Introducing DuraEdge HydroPro
HydroPro is a new tool to assist with backfilling of infield skin edges and mound building — areas where instant bonding of infield soil is desired. HydroPro is pre-screened and pre-moistened DuraEdge Professional Infield Soil, so it is ready to use right out of the bag.
The higher clay content of our DuraEdge Professional along with its hydration helps this product instantly bind to itself and to the existing infield soil it is being applied to. Just moderately hydrate the existing soil area and scarify to provide a binding surface, then apply the amount of HydroPro needed, grade out, tightly compact and hydrate area.
It’s just that easy.
Three quick steps save your crew a lot of time.
- Building the base, sides, and back of the pitching mound
- Backfilling infield edges
- Installing into high wear infield areas (lead-off & sliding areas and players’ positions)
- Economical solution to fortifying mound slope and batter’s boxes at low maintenance facilities
DELIVERY OPTIONS: 50# Bags, 1-Ton Super Sacks*
Super Sacks are wrapped in a shroud to maintain ideal moisture

“We used to spend half a day premoistening large batches of infield mix to bring our edges and baselines back to grade during our fall renovation period. Trying to premoisten dry DuraEdge Pro mix consistently was like hitting a moving target. Now, since we tried HydroPro, we get the same consistent moisture for each lift of material we add. We save so much time in labor and our end product is better because it consistently and instantly compacts tight!”
— Todd Tribble, Athletic Field Superintendent,
Oklahoma State Athletic Department

“Following a college football game at Target Field, my ground crew started rebuilding our mound from scratch. We chose DuraEdge HydroPro in one-ton sacks to build up the base of the mound, prior to utilizing BlackStick for the pitching area. Having a properly hydrated product ready to go greatly sped up the process. We got quick and efficient compaction, allowing us to build it up in layers while shaping the sides, back and table of the mound. Not having to worry about it drying out, we were free to really focus on the detail work and construct our mound exactly as we wanted.”
— Larry DiVito, Head Groundskeeper,
Minnesota Twins