Custom Field Amendment For Savings, Playability & Resilience
FieldSaver™ is designed to combine with existing infield skin material to correct soil imbalances. FieldSaver™ amends your current infield mix to condition, add clay content and bind your existing infield skin - all in one application. The cornerstone of our revolutionary Engineered Soil Technology (E.S.T.)™ program, FieldSaver™ saves our clients thousands of dollars that would have been spent on “remove and replace” infield solutions.
Renovating your field with FieldSaver saves you time and costs associated with “remove” and “replace”
FieldSaver binds together so wind and rain won’t affect game day play
Maintenance takes less time because FieldSaver bonds together and stays in place
Typical Infield
The FieldSaver Solution
Only custom amendment that conditions, adds clay–content and stabilizes–all in one application
Save time and cost
Improve resiliency, absorption, and playability of your playing surface
T.A.C.S. Method
Obtain private lab test report of your current infield skin
Read and interpret results with assistance of DuraEdge representative
Evaluate your soil test to where you are against where you should be
Set objectives and install materials to meet objectives
Based on Soil Science and Test Results – not Guesswork – Grant’s E.S.T. Program (patent pending) assesses the current state of an infield, then prescribes specific corrective measures to transform a poor infield into one with the highest performance possible.
Imbalanced based soils on ball fields often have either:
Field Type A: High Sand Content / Low SCR
Typically a field that is “beachy” when dry or“chunking out” when wet.
Field Type B: Low Sand Content / High SCR
Typically a field that is “dusty” when dry or “mucky” when wet.